Irina Nazarova

Junior Front-End Developer


I went into programming 18 years ago at the institute. It was Pascal and Delphi. And we used floppy disks. It was painful. Therefore I was fascinated by design and I went to study as an interior designer. I worked as a graphic designer and designer at a furniture factory. Design is a very subjective profession. You do not know how to determine that everything is done correctly and works.

In programming I am confident in the result. The goal is to create a working product. And I know what's inside it. Design skills allow me to write beautiful code and develop useful and convenient apps for people.

For four years I did not approach the laptop and worked as a mountain guide on Elbrus. It's an interesting job, but I missed the feeling of learning something new. Now I'm ready to dive into front-end development and learn how to create magic with the help of letters and numbers (&SpecialSymbols).


  • HTML Academy: Basic HTML and CSS in 10 days completed
  • freeCodeCamp:
    • Legacy Responsive Web Design in progress
    • JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures in progress
  • RS School: JavaScript/Front-end. Stage 0 in progress
  • CS50: video course in progress



Even or Odd: Create a function that takes an integer as an argument and returns "Even" for even numbers or "Odd" for odd numbers.

function even_or_odd(number) {
    return number % 2 ? "Odd" : "Even";

Irina Nazarova

Junior Front‑End Developer

Irina Nazarova photo



  • HTML5, CSS3
  • JavaScript Basics
  • Git, GitHub
  • VS Code
  • Figma


B2 (Upper Intermediate)